Thursday, June 7, 2012

Ten Reasons why Libya was better under Qaddafi.

 Within the last  few months the Arab Spring has changed the world drastically. One  entertaining individual left in a extremely dramatic way.  Muammar Gaddafi is viewed by many as tyrannical despot who ruled Libya with an iron fist . In many ways Libya needed him.  I have compiled ten reasons who Libya was better under Qaddafi. I hope you enjoy.

1. Qaddafi granted Libyans security. Qaddafi was able to keep control of the various tribes in Libya as well as keep Al Qaeda from gaining  too much influence .

2. Qaddafi empowered women. He allowed them to go to college and even had them as bodyguards.

3. Qaddafi invested in Africa. Few other nations around the world invest in Africa as Qaddafi did. Qaddafi supported  Nelson Mandela election campaign.

4.Qaddafi invested in his people. He elimininated homelessness through various welfare programs and even raised the literacy rate by more than eighty percent.

5. Under Qaddafi, Libya had the  highest GDP in Africa.

6. He was job creator. He spearheaded projects such as  the Great  Manmade river used to bring fresh water to large parts of the country.

7. He was known to wear very colorful clothes and outlandish fashions. What other leader encourages individualism more than Qaddafi.

8. He lived like a citizen rather than a despot. He would pitch a tent rather then stay in a hotel. Talk about a man who loved the outdoors.

9. He said what he believed rather than what other wanted to hear. Referring the Security Council as the Terror council was both gutsy and true.

10.Libya was debt free. Qaddafi provided aid to his citizens without creating debt. Try and beat that Obama.

  Based on the above Libya is going to really suffer now that Qaddafi is gone. It will be interesting to see the extent.

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