Thursday, June 7, 2012

Top 10 ways for a company to reduce employee turnover.

         Turnover is  a  major problem in business today. Not only can it create expenses but can also hinder recruiting  , retaining, and developing of current and workers. It could even act as an invitation for labor unions. Many businesses have tactics already in place such as creating work schedules that prevent jobsearching  or offering  salary increases when a workers is on his way out.

   Creating strategies is a must in order to attract , develop and retain the best workers. However finding ways depends greatly on what motivates the worker. For example one worker may value a flexible schedule. However another may want to take on more challenging roles. It is best to find out what motivates your workers so one knows how to negotiate with them.  I have listed ten ways I would use on my employees if I had a business of my own.

1. Offer more salary flexibility.  I believe that many workers would value the ability to be able to discuss the manner they are compensated.  One worker may prefer to be paid commission rather than annually. Commission not only grants the worker incentive to do more quality work but also grants them more control of their earnings.

2. Offer different benefits packages . Different workers have different needs. A younger worker may value more assistance with school where as an older worker might value better healthcare or retirement plans.

3. Use Positive reinforcement whenever possible.  No one wants to feel everytime the manager comes up to them that he or she did something wrong. If they sold more than usual or had more positive customer comments let them know. You would be surprised how it could increase productivity.

4. Cross train workers continuously. Some workers enjoy new challenges which is a major reason many leave.  If you need a  worker in the bakery  perhaps one of your cashiers would be an ideal fit.

5. Find a way unleash worker potential. Every worker needs to be unleashed it is up to the manager to find the way. A great way to tell who is a manager and who is a leader.

6. Get involved in the life of your employees as much as possible.  If you find an employee may be having a rough day find a way to make it better. Just be careful you do not get too personal. That can also be somewhat frightening.

7. Grant workers the ability to get involved in their company. Workers can be a pleuthora of ideas. The smart employer learns how to extract those ideas in order to have a more successful enterprise.

8.  Take care of current workers before you hire new ones. Rather than hire a new worker if you need to fill 30 hours. See if current part-timers want more hours first. It could mean fewer workers  to have to train.

9. Be willing to train workers in skills greatly needed. If you need a worker who speaks Chinese find one who is willing to learn it and invest in them. It could pay off tenfold.

10. Take advantage of workers willing to travel.  If one of your stores needs a worker ask current workers if they are willing to take up more hours there. Some workers may enjoy a change of scenery.

Keep in mind that I know some of these ideas are  common knowledge.  Regardless ,many employers seem not to  use them. Smart employers realize happy workers are productive workers. Just imagine how much more profitable  walmart would be  if they strived to  produce happier workers. 

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