Friday, February 21, 2014

 One evening I made the decision to travel to a night club with my three best friends who were named loneliness, doubt, and despair. While I was dancing to my favorite song which was Hungry like the wolf. My eyes fell upon a woman whose beauty was hard to resist. Her hair was as black as night, her skin was as soft as virgin olives, and she had the grace of a gazelle. After a moment I heard in a voice as sweet as a nightingale would I like to dance. When I turned around to my amazement I saw this dark haired veiled beauty gazing into my eyes with a look of modest desire. I replied to her I would like to dance on condition that she reveals her name to me. She replied with her melodic voice that her name was Islam. After we got to the dance floor I felt her soft hands embrace and pull me closer with a unexplainable force. After the dance she introduced me to a few of her friends. Her friends introduced themselves as Devotion, Tolerance, and Chastity. Out of our goftigoo I learned that she has sensed my plight. She told me that my best friends wanted to keep me in the dark and that only she could bring light back to my life. She told me all I needed to do is devote myself to loving her and she would bring joy to my life for all eternity. However she could not compel me to devote myself to her as she wants that love to be given to her freely. After I told her I have to think about it she replied take as much time as you need because I am all loving and willing to make the man who devotes himself to me feel like a King on the throne.
After-wards I was approached by a woman whose skin was white as snow and who was wearing a golden gown that was bright as the sun adorned with dragons made of rubies. The fabric of the gown was so thin that one could almost see though the dress. The woman in a very seductive voice asked me if I want to dance. I told her that I was speaking with Islam and that she would first have to have Islam's leave. Islam with a sad voice told me it is fine to dance with the woman and she just hopes that I will remember her later that night.
I then said to Islam that I promise to walk her home that night. Islam than gave me a kiss that I would never forget. During the kiss I envisioned all the wonders that she could offer and at the end I saw the both of us strolling in a beautiful garden where the trees were heavy with fruit and the water was as sweet as honey. When lions would lie with lambs and tiger would purr loudly when I would pet them.
As I walked away with the seductive woman I decided to ask the women her name. The woman replied that her name was Christian. As we danced on the floor Christian began to press herself close to me. She started telling me how she was looking for a man she could corrupt. She told me how she can give a man anything he desires as long as he worships her and only her. She tells me how she is very forgiving to those who support her demands. Then she asked me if I would pledge myself to her. I told her that I already pledged myself to Islam. She than asked me if I would like to meet her friends which I agreed to.
Her friends happened to be named Hypocrisy, Manipulation, and Deceit. They told me how if I were to pledge myself to Christian that life would be like heaven as she could give me all I ever desired and would always forgive my wrongdoing whenever I asked. Then they asked me if I would join them for dinner. I said sure. As they were bringing me to a room I happened to look back at Islam and noticed she had a tear in her eyes. Her eyes went from beautiful brown to a sad blue. I noticed she made a week smile to me and than walked away sadly.
Once I was in the room I noticed that they had started dinner. I noticed that there was what appeared to be bread and wine. As I started eating I noticed that the wine had a strange saltiness to it and the bread did not have the texture of bread. Then I had asked Christian what type of bread and wine I was eating was. Her reply that this is the body and blood of my son. I looked at her in horror and told her that I had to go. She then replied to me if you are thinking of returning to the embraces of your sweet Islam think again. She then kissed my head and I envisioned two of her friends named Crusade, Intolerance and Persecution sneaking up on Islam as she was walking down the street crying. After I saw this vision I leaped up and ran to to the door. Before I got out the door Christian told me that I can grant you eternal life however if you go to Islam you will forever burn in the fires of Hell with her.
I replied to her how even if your heaven was real I would rather be with Islam in hell because than I do not have to spend eternity worshiping someone as narcissistic, hypocritical , and insecure as her. At least Islam did not use force to earn my devotion.
As I ran down the street I noticed that I was not wearing the dark suit that I normally wore. Instead I was wearing a suit made of silver with a crescent moon in purple and i has a green sash on my left arm. After running a few more blocks I saw Islam fall to the ground unconscious. I noticed that Crusade had a sword and was about to finish Islam. At that moment after a tremendous leap I knocked the sword out of the hand of Crusade. Crusade was stunned as was Intolerance and Persecution. After a moment they ran away.
Then I came up to Islam who had blood running down her cheek. Suddenly I felt my heart break after I realized that she was the one person who brought meaning to my dreary dark life. So I decided to give her one final kiss. After the kiss I told her how I wished I had been able to devote myself to her earlier when I had the chance. At that moment her eyes opened and with a voice like that of a nightingale she said. My faris has come. I am happy to see you. When I saw you walk away with Christian I thought you would have been lost. I just promise happiness for your devotion and not other earthly or otherworldly pleasures. I do not promise hellfire to those who do not wish to devote themselves to me. I always reward those who are faithful. If you will pledge yourself to me now I will guarantee you will be happy for all eternity.

At that moment I noticed my three friends Loneliness, Doubt, and Despair were no longer by my side. I immediately pledged myself to the lady Islam. Ever since then I have known nothing but happiness.