Thursday, January 26, 2012

My first romance

My First Romance

I decided to create an essay depicting an event that happened on the playground in elementary school. I was 12 years old at the time and I am guessing she was as well. I had just gotten out of class for recess. There was this young girl name Lisa Robideaux and she was playing with a bunch of her female friends. Now as I love to explore and be spontaneous I decided that I wanted to explore uncharted territory on the playground. So one day I walked up to her and said hello to her . She replied hello back to me. Then I looked down her shirt. She was speechless. Oddly however she did not slap me, tell me I was a pervert, or try to beat me up. After-wards I simply walked away.

Fifteen minutes later one of my teachers approached me and asked me what I did. I told her what I did. The teacher replied. “ You should avoid doing that in the future as women usually do not like that. If I hearing of you doing this again I am going to talk to the principle as well as your parents.”

Later that night I received a phone call. My father had answered it and asked me. “ Do you know a girl named Lisa Robideaux from school?

I said. “Yes I do.”

My father said. “She wants to talk to you. Woo hoo. Michael's got a girlfriend.”

I replied. “ I highly doubt that.”

My father handed me the telephone.

“Hello, Michael”Lisa said. “ Remember me, you looked down my shirt today on the playground.”

I replied. “ Yes. I do remember you. I am sorry if I upset you. I promise I will not do that again.”

“Actually, I wanted to apologize to you.” Lisa replied. “ I am sorry for telling on you.” I am curious if you liked what you saw.”

I replied. “I do not know.”

“Are you sure.” Lisa replied. “ I have always thought you were cute. Do you need a girlfriend?”

I replied. “ I do not know.”

Lisa replied. “ I will see you on the playground tomorrow and you can decide then. Have a great night handsome.”

The next morning when I stepped off the bus onto the playground guess who was waiting for me. It was not either the postman, nor the candyman, and definitely not the tooth-fairy. Lisa was there waiting for me. Immediately. She embraced me and gave me a kiss.

“I am so happy to see you Mr. Stewart.”Lisa replied.

“ I am happy to see you too. I think.”I replied.

Then she slip her hands in mine and asked me to sit with her underneath a tree. The entire time she held my hands tightly as if she feared they might get away.

Looking straight into my eyes she then asked me. “ I thought about you all night and you were in my dreams. What do you think about me?”

I replied. “ I think you are all right.”

“Really!” She cried. “I spent all night dreaming about being with you this morning and all you can say about me is that I am all right!”

I replied to her. “What am I suppose to say.”

She sighed and leaned forward and gave me a kiss that sent my head spinning. Then she asked while looking deep into my eyes. “ What do you think of me now?”

I replied. “ I think you are pretty good.”

she leaned over and game me another kiss and bit my lip.

She looked deep into my eyes and squeezed my hand tighter and asked me slowly. “ What do you think of me now?”

I replied. “ I think you are intoxicating. The way you move is so graceful that the blades of grass move aside when you walk by them out of fear that they might cut your feet. When you sing the birds in the trees suddenly hush because of your voice is enchanting. The stars at night dim as they know they just cannot compete with your eyes. I do not know of a woman whose form is a work of art as you.

She replied. “ I think you are a wonder of our age. I can see waves rise and fall in your eyes. I cannot help but surrender myself to your embrace. I feel as if I am flying despite the fact my feet have never left the ground. I know I will treasure this moment as long as I live.” We were shocked by the school bell as we forgot we were still on the playground. Oddly, We sat next to each other in class. I heard some of her friends tell her. “Why do you hang out with him ?” They would say. “ He is a nerd and always will be.”

She replied. “ Nerd or not I see something wonderful in him and I find him handsome on his own way. He makes me feel like a goddess when he is around me.”

The bell rang again as it was lunchtime. I was about to sit down at a table and then she walked up next to me and put her hand in mine.

She asked me. “ Want to join me for lunch.”

I replied. “ I would be honored.”

She smiled and drew me to a towards a table in the back. While heading to the table one of my fellow student extended his leg which tripped her. I was able to catch her but she dropped her lunch. I helped steady her on her feet and went to pick up her lunch for her. Unfortunately, it sent all over the floor. She started to cry.

I told her. “ Do not worry he is a jerk and I will let you have mine.” “I am not really hungry.” she replied after steadying herself.

I replied. “It is up to you.”

When we got to the table and she insisted on sitting next to me. She put her hands in mine and I felt her shake and her hand was cool. I heard her sob again.

“ I really feel bad what our classmate did to you and I really want to let you have my lunch . I am not really hungry and I am just going to throw it away.” I said to her.

She said with a tear rolling down her cheek. “ Are you sure.”

I said. “Yes.” while placing the tray in front of her.

She said to me. “I love how you treat me so well. I doubt any other guy would do the same for me. I feel I really do not deserve you . ”

I told her. “ We all deserve to be happy in life. Love is like a flower. Nurtured and cared for grows strong and beautiful. Neglected and ignored will wilt and die. When you love someone you feel as if you are in chains. Only they can set you free however you hope they never will because freedom from them is worse then any prison imaginable.”

She replied to me. “ Thank you for coming into my life.” Then she kissed me lightly on the cheek.

At the end of the day on my way home she decided to meet me before I boarded the bus. She told me. “ I will miss you my love. Please never forget about me.”

“I never will.” I told her.

The next morning it was raining when I got to school. I was one step off the bus and there she was again. She was soaked and shivering. She managed to smile at me. As she embraced me she whispered in my ear. “ Good morning my Prince.” and she kissed me again. Then as her hands found mine she squeezed them tightly. Then I felt her shiver again.

I took off my jacket and put it her around her.

She told me. “ Why. You will catch a cold.”

I told her. “I am not cold and besides you look like a French princess in my red jacket.” She replied while smiling “ I am your French princess aren't I.”

I replied . “You are more pleasant then a princess.”

“Follow me.” she said.

The next day she was not there when I got off the bus. I decided to walk around the playground as I usually did hoping to find her. She was not there. I saw a pencil on the ground and I decided to pick it up. On my way to class I overheard a classmate state how he did not have a pencil.As I approached him. I replied. “ I have a pencil I would rent it to you for 10cents a day and you will agree to a rate of 10% compounded daily.”

He said sure. I had written out a contract for the lease of the pencil and had him sign it. I saw how easy this was that I started spending the rest of the week picking up pencils and renting them out to classmates. She was not there for another week. As I was getting carried away with my enterprise. I did not notice her the next times she was waiting for me. I actually right past her to a person who was going to pay me. That day at recess I did not spend time with her as I had done in the past as I was busy collecting money. The end of that week she approached me

“Michael”. She cried. “You have walked past me every day this week to meet some guy for some reason. Have you forgot about me?”

“I have been busy.” I told her.

“ Too busy for me.” she asked moving closer to me.

“I have been renting pencils out to classmates and making money.” I told her.

“ So money is more important to you than I am?” she asked.

“ I cannot answer that without hurting you.” I said to her.

“ I think you need to look at me in the eye and tell me that you love your money more than me. That is what the last statement sounded like to me” She replied. “You have brought happiness to my life the last few weeks. I saw you as a man I can cherish and respect. I hope you will not disappoint me by dashing my hopes.”

I replied.“ You expect me to give up my enterprise for you?”

She said. “ If it is that important to you, you can keep it. Obviously I mean nothing to you.” She walked away crying.

Later that day I noticed she was not waiting for me at the bus when it was time to go home. I felt a strange feeling. I guess  I felt guilty as I remember how much I enjoyed getting that kiss before I went home. I was certain that she would be waiting for me the next morning.

The next morning came around and she was not waiting there . I went around the schoolyard collecting money as usual. Suddenly a few classmates decided they wanted to beat me up. Just before they had finished with me someone intervened. It was Lisa. She told them that if they want to deal with me they have to deal with her. They decided to throw a punch at me. She punched him and his nose started bleeding. The others ran away.

“Are you ok?” She asked as she approached me.

“ Yes.” I told her.

“ I am happy about that.” She replied as she started walking away.

“ Wait.” I told her.

“Why should I.” She asked. “ You love your money more than you love me and it did not helpyou when you needed it.”

“ The last few days I realized how much you meant to me.” I replied. “ When I was about to get on the bus to go home and you were not there I felt horrible. When I came to school this morning and you did not meet me when I arrived I felt I lost something special. If I ever had a chance to make it up to you I would. I would do what I need to.”

“Honestly, I missed you too. I had been taking time to think.” she said. “Maybe I was a little harsh on you. Then when I thought of what you are doing I found I could not respect it. You are taking items off the ground and swindling your classmates. I heard you made 10.00 off a pencil stub. I do not know if I can think of you as I once did?”

“ Are you sure because I would be willing to stop this venture for you?” I replied.

“How will I know you will not try it again in the future?” She replied.

“What would be the best way for me to make that type of contract with you?” I ask her.

“If you will look in my eyes and kiss me like you did when we first met I would consider it adequate.” she said.

“ I will do that if it pleases you.” I said

“It would greatly please me and you need to give the money back to those you took advantage of.” she said.

“ I promise I will.” I told her.

Then I kissed her as I promised. That afternoon when I was on my way home she was there waiting for me to kiss me on my way home.

The next morning when I got off the bus she was standing there. She seemed sad.

“What is wrong?” I asked her

“ My father got a job in Detroit and we are moving this weekend.” She said sadly.

“ We can still write if you like.” I said to her,

“ I would love to but I feel we drift apart eventually.” she said.

“ I am willing to wait for eternity for you as we can make it work.” I said while I felt my heartbreak.

“ I loved the time we spent together but I think we need to end it this weekend.” she said.” Please. Lets remember each other on good terms?

“ I would like that.” I replied.

The last few days were among the saddest days of my life. She was much more affectionate. That Friday was the hardest day for me. She was waiting for me that morning and she had tears in her eyes. We spent the day speaking very little. In one of my classes I decided to write her a letter to remember me by .

Dear Lisa.

The last few weeks were the most wonderful days of my life. You were the light that drove away my darkness. You were my warmth when it was cold. You brought substance to a life that had always been empty. You brought joy to a life that knew nothing but sorrow. You were the best thing that to enter my life and I wish we would never have to part. I will always remember the great joy you brought me and you will be in my thoughts always.



I remember giving her the letter and sharing one last kiss. I remember as I saw her getting smaller until she disappeared over the horizon. I could swear I saw her cry after she blew me that one last kiss. I remember that night how I spent the night in tears not knowing how I would go on. Then 21 years later I met Keila but I will save  that for a future story. I will always remember Lisa my love, my joy and my first romance.